I beleive many of us suffer from what I call ‘gluggy blood’. Agglutination of the blood cells, acidity and poor circulation, especially in those of us who carry excess weight or who live a more sedentary lifestyle.
If you are someone who suffers with cold hands and feet, then this mix is for you. Cold hands and feet can be a sign of poor circulation and the need to tone the capillaries. Oxyblood helps to do this.
It is a great tonic for drinkers, smokers, or those who work with lots of toxins and poisons. Toxicity moves around in the blood stream affecting our kidneys and our liver. The body looks for the safest space to store these toxins. If we add some leaky bowel to this as well, it means there are bowel contents floating around in our blood stream. Oxyblood and the Bowel Tone can help with this.
It can be used as a preventative formula for those with a family history of cardiac or heart problems.
It contains herbs such as beetroot, hawthorn, cayenne, dan shen, hibiscus, cinnamon and bilberry, plus more herbs.
Add this to your smoothies, I like to add 2 tsp with berries and bananas and blend to make a smoothie.
This blend is available in bulk, as all the powders are.