Irish Moss can hold 30 times its weight in water. This property makes Irish Moss an excellent remedy for respiratory and digestive complaints. Irish moss is an expectorant, which makes it useful in the treatment of lung conditions such as irritating coughs, bronchitis and other breathing problems. Always soak in water before use!
The plant contains a high nutrient content and is rich in minerals including iodine and sulphur. Irish Moss is also used to protect the digestive system. It helps prevent vomiting and acts quickly to sooth peptic ulcers and inflammation of the urinary system. It is used to treat constipation due to its high fibre content. It also helps treat and prevent diarrhoea.
The Irish moss is mucilaginous in texture, with a mild salty flavour. When prepared into a dish, the Irish moss is a valuable source of nutrition for patients in long term convalescence and rest. The remedy made from the Irish moss can also be used as a topical remedy and applied externally on the body. This emollient herb brings soothing relief to inflamed skin and eases the symptoms of inflammation disorders. One other major effect of the Irish moss is that it thins out the blood and can be used to remove blood clots.
The dried herb is best made into a decoction. Steep half an ounce of the herb in cold water for 15 minutes and then boil it for 10-15 minutes in 3 pints of water (or milk). Strain and add licorice, lemon, ginger, cinnamon, cocoa, or honey. Take freely as needed.