Heavenly Teas
These are our Tea Tins.
All our favourite teas were put together and bagged into little black tins to enhance the freshness of your herb teas.
Refills and bulk refills are available. We like to do our bit for the environment and we hope you come back for your refills or you find a good use for your handy black tin. This is an overview of our Heavenly Teas
• Agili Tea – If it’s hot and painful inflammation is here.
• Clari Tea – Bringing clarity by improving brain blood flow and aiding memory
• Lazi Tea – To relax and sedate you to peaceful slumber
• Liber Tea – Loving and toning the liver for cleansing and purifying
• Puri Tea – A gustatory delight that will detoxify and cleanse the entire body
• Quali Tea – A antioxidant dream that could be mistaken for caffeine
• Sereni Tea – Supporting the fearful kidneys with nuturing and support
• Simplici Tea – The wholesome tonic and support for digestive functioning
• Tranquili Tea – Relax and let go, it’s time to reduce the stress signs
• Trini Tea – Cleanse and detoxify thy blood
• Twinkl Tea – Time to tone the heart and bring in the joy
• Vitali Tea – For those just burnt out, exhausted and overwhelmed
Vitali Tea – adrenal exhaustion, anxiety, stress
or 4 payments of $3.74 with Afterpay
$14.95Vitali Tea – For those just burnt out, exhausted and overwhelmed
Do you have adrenal fatigue?
This is a wonderfully nourishing herb tea that has been formulated to be neutral in its energetics, yet it is nourishing and toning to the adrenals. Great support for those in high pressure and stressful jobs.
Fed up of waking sluggish and not wanting to eat in the mornings?
Lost your sizzle and feeling more of a frazzle?
Feel like your rubber band is about to ‘ping’?
Can’t seem to eat, sleep or do anything?
This is a sign of your adrenals being under stress and duress.
We can keep winding the rubber band and winding it, though eventually it will give.
Twinkle Tea – blood pressure, detoxification, heart problems
or 4 payments of $3.74 with Afterpay
$14.95Twinkle Tea – Time to tone the heart and bring in the joy
How is your circulation working for you?
Do you suffer with cold hands and feet?
Do you have High blood pressure and high blood cholesterol?
Do you know how important it is to keep our blood clean and healthy?
This blood tonic tea has been made so each cup or pot that you makes brings out the Doctrine of Signatures and you drink a great red coloured tea, that will boost the blood and the entire cardio-vascular system.
Trini Tea – blood cleanser, detoxification
or 4 payments of $3.74 with Afterpay
$14.95Trini Tea – Cleanse and detoxify thy blood
Would you like a complete wellbeing tonic in one cup?
Do you worry about becoming seriously ill?
Do you know how important it is to keep our body clean and healthy?
Are you wanting to find easy ways to detox?
Trini tea is a solution, as this tea is known for its antioxidant properties.
This tea comes from an original formula from an 80 year old Native American Woman, from the Oijbwa tribe, which was given to a lady called Cassie, that helped her to heal her breast cancer. This tea then because known as Essiac Tea which is now a registered trademark, though at the time, Cassie (essiac backwards) never wanted to sell her tea, she gave it to patients in hospitals from her own pure desire to help others.
Tranquili Tea – nerve tonics, sedatives, stress relief
or 4 payments of $3.74 with Afterpay
$14.95Tranquili Tea – Relax and let go, it’s time to reduce the stress signs
How would you like to RELAX and Feel HAPPIER more?
Do you know that stress shuts down our digestion?
Do you know that is linked to many diseases?
Do you know that unresolved stress can be a killer?
Our Tranquili tea is one of our most popular and best-selling teas.
Why? Because stress severely impacts on our health and wellbeing.
This tea helps to take the edge off your stress, in a natural and non-addictive way.
Simplici Tea – detoxification, digestive tonic, tea
or 4 payments of $3.74 with Afterpay
$14.95Simplici Tea – The wholesome tonic and support for digestive functioning
Who wants help with digestion?
So many of the general population now have leaky gut or digestive problems that we do or do not know about. I can also let you know that 80% of our immune system lines our gut and it is vital for our wellbeing to have a health functioning digestive system.
How easy would it be to take one mixture that has something for the entire digestive system?
We forget how important digestion is.
We need bitters to stimulate juices, such as gentian and agrimony.
Herbs to tone gut linings such as raspberry leaf and agrimony, herbs to soothe and heal such as marshmallow root and slippery elm.
Herbs like meadowsweet to balance acidity and reduce heartburn.
Other herbs in this blend include pau d’arco to reduce fungal overgrowth and cinnamon and fennel to act as a carminative.
Sereni Tea – antioxidant, detoxification, liver, tea, urinary tonic
or 4 payments of $3.74 with Afterpay
$14.95Sereni Tea – Supporting the fearful kidneys with nurturing and support
Are you waking up with an aching lower back?
Do you know that feeling of a dull ache in the kidneys?
Do you wake up in the morning with puffy eyes?
Do you know the pain of kidney stones? Do you want to?
This is a 100% natural way to support the kidneys and flush them out.
This tea tastes so good, you will not know you are detoxing
This tea soothes the kidney tubules, dissolves deposits, as well as flushing them out.
Quali Tea – antioxidant, detoxification, liver, tea
or 4 payments of $3.74 with Afterpay
$14.95Quali Tea – A antioxidant dream that could be mistaken for caffeine
What a BIG dose of antioxidants?
We have so many toxins everywhere around us today
Toxicity is responsible for many states of ill health and sickness
How easy would it be to drink herb tea and help to flush them out?
What would it be like to clean your body house with a great tasting tea?
This is a 100% natural way to start to flush the body of free radicals and the damage caused by free radicals.
Puri Tea – detoxification, liver, tea
or 4 payments of $3.74 with Afterpay
$14.95Puri Tea – A gustatory delight that will detoxify and cleanse the entire body
Are you putting more chemicals in your body drinking your detox tea than you are taking out?
This tea tastes so good, you will not know you are detoxing
This tea touches the gut, the kidneys, the liver, the blood, the immune system, plus more ALL in one easy cup.
This is a refreshing tea to drink first thing in the morning to support the body’s natural rhythm of elimination and cleansing.
It tastes so good you will be coming back for more
Liber Tea – detoxification, liver, tea
or 4 payments of $3.74 with Afterpay
$14.95Liber Tea the Liver Cleansing Tea
Do you find it impossible to wake up in the morning and jump out of bed with joy and enthusiasm?
Do you suffer with reoccurring headaches and feeling grumpy?
Do you suffer with hormonal problems, feel angry or just feel flat?
If you say yes to some these then it sound like your liver needs some support as these are the signs of a sluggish liver. Our liver plays a very important part in many functions such as hormones, blood, energy creation, immunity, digestion and most importantly your liver detoxifies drugs pollutants and chemicals.
Lazi Tea – anxiety, insomnia, sleeplessness, worry
or 4 payments of $3.74 with Afterpay
$14.95Lazi Tea – To relax and sedate you to peaceful slumber
Think of having a restful sleep, waking up refreshed and ready to greet each new day and forget insomnia. It’s possible. Thanks to my special herbal mix tea, Lazy-T
I know what it’s like to not to be able to sleep, thoughts racing round your mind, waking up feeling cranky because you are fatigued.
This tea is a 100% natural solution to help soothe the nerves
Clari Tea – clarity of mind, memory tonic
or 4 payments of $3.74 with Afterpay
$14.95Clari Tea – Bringing clarity by improving brain blood flow and aiding memory
Had enough of Brain Fog?
Got exams and tests coming and worries you might fail?
It gets really annoying when you just cannot remember
How much time are you spending looking for stuff?
What would you do you could free you that mental space and have clarity and direction?
This is a 100% natural way to help increase fluid, circulation and activity to the brain.
Agili Tea – herbal anti-inflammatory tea
or 4 payments of $3.74 with Afterpay
$14.95Agili Tea – If it’s hot and there is painful inflammation here is the herb tea for you.
Looking for a Natural Solution for your Aches and Pains?
What are your aches and pains telling you?
How would life be like if you could reduce their severity and frequency?
What would you do if you were pain free?
This is a 100% natural way to reduce inflammation
This tea if full of powerful and potent anti-inflammatory herbs