Bacopa is also known and the ‘Memory Herb.’ In ancient Ayurvedic Medicine it is called Brahmi and is touted to be ‘the best brain tonic in the world’.
It is great for enhancing study, learning and cognitive skills. The active compounds in Brahmi known as bacosides, are being evaluated for their effects on the brain and human health.
Research on anxiety, epilepsy, bronchitis and asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastric ulcers also supports the Ayurvedic uses of Bacopa. Bacopa’s antioxidant properties may offer protection from free radical damage in cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.
Brahmi has been shown to increase the utilization of nitric oxide in the body and also appears to encourage vascular muscle function, two benefits that positively influence normal blood pressure.
It is a great for helping to reduce the effects of stress. Researchers have discovered that bacosides may be helpful for enhancing the benefits of morphine while reducing the “high”, thus decreasing the risk for dependence.