The Delaware Indians used hops against earache and toothache.
The Navajo used it for coughs and cold, and the Dakota for wound healing and against gastrointestinal disturbances. For relaxation and as a sleep aid, it was used by the Delaware and the Fox.
One of the most widely known and studied medicinal properties of hops is its ability to induce sleep. Among these health benefits from hops include relaxation and sleep inducer, anti-inflammatory effect, estrogenic effect, antioxidant activity and as an anti-tumour properties.
Hops have been found to contain estrogen like chemicals which may be beneficial for medical conditions associated with hormonal changes.
In the Journal Maturitas issue May 2006, a reported study was made to examine the efficacy of a hop extract enriched in 8-prenylnaringenin on relief of menopausal discomforts. The results showed that daily intake of a hop extract exerted favourable effects on vasomotor symptoms and other menopausal discomforts.