The German Commission E commended lavender for treating insomnia, nervous stomach, and anxiety and the essential oil is still one of the most used essences for anxiety and stress.
The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia lists lavender as a treatment for flatulence, colic, and depressive headaches, and many modern herbal practitioners use the herb to treat migraines in menopause. In Spain, lavender is added to teas to treat diabetes and insulin resistance.”
According to this website, lavender has the following properties:
- Antidepressant
- Analgesic
- Antiseptic
- Expectorant
- Nervine
- Vulnerary
Especially beneficial to the respiratory tract in particular coughs, colds, influenza. Certainly eases breathing when lungs and sinuses are choked with phlegm. It helps to defend the system against airborne viruses.
On a yummier note, one of the best biscuit I have ever eaten was a Lavender Butter Shortbread. Mmmm