The use of rhubarb was recorded in the earliest Chinese herbals. Rhubarb root is a great gentle laxative. It has very positive and balancing effect on the digestive system.
Rhubarb is quite dose dependant. Small doses will help to retrain a lax or atonic bowel, this is when you really have you rhythm or control over your bowels. ( I Love poo)
If you want a more laxative effects then take higher doses.
The root is will help reduce blood cholesterol levels and to reduce gall bladder stones.
Other actions are antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitumor, astringent, demulcent, diuretic, stomachic and tonic.
Turkey rhubarb is a purgative and is most often used in herbal formulas for its strong laxative effects in constipation and colon cleansing formulas.
It is most famously an ingredient in the classic Essiac herb tea, which we sell as our Trini Tea.