Greater Celandine – Chelidonium majus
or 4 payments from $1.58 with Afterpay
$6.30 – $29.95Greater celandine is a bitter herb used to help stimulate liver action.
Gravelroot – Eupatorium purpureum
or 4 payments from $3.23 with Afterpay
$12.90 – $59.85Gravel root has been used as the name suggested ridding the body of gravel and specifically in the urinary system.
Couch Grass – Agropyron repens/Elymus repens
or 4 payments from $1.70 with Afterpay
$6.80 – $33.20Couch Grass is a love of the herbalist and a curse to the gardener as it takes over gardens.
Couch Grass has been used by people to assist with prostatitis, urinary tract disorder and urinary stones.
Celery Seed – Apium graveolens
or 4 payments from $1.20 with Afterpay
$4.80 – $23.50During Ancient times, Indian Ayurvedic medicine used celery seeds to treat colds, flu, water retention, poor digestion, different types of arthritis and certain diseases of the liver and spleen.
Blessed Thistle – Cnicus benedictus
or 4 payments from $1.48 with Afterpay
$5.90 – $28.40Blessed Thistle is often used in teas for nursing mothers to help increase milk supply.
It is known to increase circulation and treat hormone imbalance.
It enhances memory by delivering oxygen to the brain and is supportive of the heart and lungs.
New Moon Tea – cooking, hangover cure, refreshing
or 4 payments of $2.49 with Afterpay
$9.95What I like most about this herbal tea blend is that it is a great cure for hangovers.
I came across this remedy years ago and I chased down its origins where it could have been given as a secret message, you are ‘the true love of mine.’
Sore Throat Gummies
or 4 payments of $1.74 with Afterpay
$6.95A great way to get herbs into the kids
Sleepy time Gummies
or 4 payments of $1.74 with Afterpay
$6.95A great way to get herbs into the kids
Epilobium – Epilobium parviflorum
or 4 payments from $3.49 with Afterpay
$13.95 – $65.20Traditional uses for this herb includes for enlarged prostate, inflammation of the prostate, gastrointestinal disorders, kidney and bladder disorders, rectal bleeding, menstrual disorders, cystitis, urinary infections, diarrhoea, mouth lesions and irritable bowel syndrome